Monday, 5 January 2009

21 part 4

Across the room I hear the laughs,
There is no need for bluffs,
Just simply the stuffs of insanity,
Lets lock eyes across the room.

Hear the whole room go boom.
-Charading at 21

Charades, charades...charades =)

Here is a couple videos of the charades done on that night =) The theme was movies.

Starting with Dev and Robert charading Rambo!

May and Wei Ping charading James Bond

John and Robert charading House Bunny

Cindy and Teena charading The Hulk

Ghanim and Abraham charading Saw

Dhel and me charading Narnia

Sharan and Jin charading Broke Back Mountain

Yi hau and Jerald Charading Tokyo Drift

Daryl and Jin charading Spiderman

Hope you all enjoyed the videos. Thats all for now. In the next post I'll post about the cut cake and drinking session we had =)Adieu to all!


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