Monday, 9 March 2009

Raving mad bakers

If you feel like a chocolate fix,
Just bring the girls into the mix.

If you feel playing wii,
Join the 3 in this mad spree.

Of baking and wii.
-Raving mad bakers.

Holas! Its been awhile since I've updated my blog! Today I'll be posting about the fun day I had with 3 very lovely ladies at my place, Jazreel, Suzanne and Deborah! I'll catch up with previous events when I have the time and mood :)

For now... Lets meet the raving mad bakers! >)

Jazreel Wong raving mad baker no.1!

Deborah Tan raving mad baker no.2

Suzanne Leung Raving mad Baker no.3! (A lil reluctant to take a photo)

The 3 Raving Mad Bakers! (From shortest to tallest :P)

Sticking their dirty little pinkies into the mix!

The girls then started shaping the cookies!

While waiting for the cookies to bake, we decide to take some photos together :)

The cookies were done and they looked yummY!

At the end of the day these were the cookies made(There was one more batch still baking...)

After baking... the raving mad bakers decided to go raving mad and start playing wii!

I leave you all with some videos of us playing wii! Adieu to all!


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